Infantry – Terminal Society

Infantry is a Dutch Thrash/Death Metal band formed in 2006. Terminal Society is their second full-length album, coming five years after their 2017 debut, Make War Not Love. Covering lyrical themes that you would expect from their name; war, death, and destruction, they deliver precisely what you think they should. They go hard and heavy, speaking of internal and external conflicts, from the demons in your head to the monsters next door. This is not for the faint of heart; you need to put on your combat boots and get ready to have shrapnel flying all around when you put this record on.
Band Members:
- Arjen Kleiss – Lead Guitar
- Luuk Steemers – Rhythm Guitar
- Andrea Serra – Bass
- Ronald van Baren – Vocals
- Glenn Veldman – Drums
August 31, 2022
- Disposer Of Immorality
- Submission
- Destination: Wonderland
- Under Destruction
- Inner Warfare
- Coup D’Etat
- Hail The Victorious
- Terminal Society
This album opens with a beautiful, sludgy riff. When the flip comes, it goes straight Thrash Metal, shifting to a heavy, fast rhythm. The vocals are completely harsh, and no cleans to be found anywhere. Lyrically, “Disposer Of Immorality” is the tale of a serial killer who believes his mission is to rid the earth of people he finds worthy of death. The psychopathy contained in this track is a fascinating study that has attracted mental health professionals for centuries.
Next comes a twisted tale of giving in to someone in the most glorious and deranged ways. “Submission” is a wild ride both lyrically and musically. The vocal delivery is out of sync, and the lines are choppy and do not flow with the lyric sheet. It is an excellent way to accentuate the tension of the words and oddly highlight the rhythm. The riff is heavy, going full-on Slayer, not dwelling in the softer regions of thrash.
The offset vocal delivery continues into “Destination: Wonderland,” a happy little ditty about being exploited and basically kidnapped and taken to a new land with a false promise of it being a happy place. The guitars are still amazingly brutal, and the riff and rhythm are crushing. This is heavier than “standard” thrash, given the Death Metal influence. The tunings and tempo seem to be a cut above the usual, though you don’t get any of the classic thrash bands’ wild screams and high-pitched belting.
“Under Destruction” rips from the very start, going full blast beat and thundering bass from the get-go. The guitar’s lead work is woven beautifully through the opening but quickly succumbs to the chugging riff for the verses. The contrast to this is “Inner Warfare,” a song that begins with a more melodic riff, though it does get into the usual heavy for the vocal sections. This track is about the struggle to survive within your own mind when it wants nothing more than to take you out in a bloody, painful manner. The battle to survive often starts in mind.
Another story as old as time is contained within the lyrics of “Coup D’Etat.” An oppressive regime gets overthrown by the very people they were ruling and deposed violently by the military. History books are replete with these events, and their analysis of history often fails to teach the oppressors the lessons they need to learn. Here, the brutality of the words is reflected in the music, a heavy dose of speed and tone that really drives the point home.
“Hail Victorious” is another fast-paced song with killer melodic overtones. The guitar work is again frenetic, and the drums are insanely fast. The bass is not lost; instead, it drives the riff like a precision sports car, handling the twists and turns beautifully. The final guitar flurries are very well done and expertly placed to take the song to the end on a high note, like a warrior coming home after the siege is complete.
Wrapping the album is the title track. This song is bleak and angry, and the music reflects the lyrics here. Society is the cancer of the planet, and the only way to fix the problem is an extinction-level event that takes “humanity” out of the picture. There is no salvation without suffering here. All must perish because we can no longer take care of ourselves or the planet.
Infantry doesn’t pull any punches. They believe the problem is inherent in that humans have no humanity left. They are just in this for what they can take from the planet and their fellows, regardless of who or what it hurts in the process. The Death Metal vocals give the Thrash Metal riffs a darker, deeper tone, creating a more elaborate meaning to the words. They reinforce the hatred and loathing for what the world has become. I would not recommend listening to this album if you want to hear happy songs or have access to nuclear codes; other than that, enjoy the anger, and let it fuel your passion for life.
MZ Ratings:
- Musicianship
- Guitars – 9
- Rhythms – 9
- Vocals – 9
- Songwriting – 9
- Production – 9
- Overall – 9.00